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In accordance with the policy of the board of education, the following regulation shall govern the use of the school library media center and materials.


   1.       Borrowed books are due two weeks from the date they are checked out.


   2.       Students may check out a maximum of two books from the library media center at one time.  Permission may be obtained from the librarian to borrow additional books if needed for reference or a special project.


   3.       Books may be borrowed for two additional weeks unless someone is on a "request list" for the book.


   4.       Students with overdue books will not be allowed to check out additional materials.  Notice of overdue books shall be posted and passed to classroom teachers.


   5.       Borrowers will be charged replacement costs for all books or materials that are lost or destroyed.


   6.       Encyclopedias and other reference books or materials may not be removed from school premises.  A photocopy of a specific article may be obtained from the librarian.


   7.       Magazines, newspapers, and other periodicals may not be removed from the library media center and must be returned to the proper rack, shelf, or table.


   8.       Students will not be admitted to the library media center while classes are in session without a hall pass signed by their teacher.


   9.       Quiet and orderly conduct in the library media center will be enforced by the library media center staff.


10.       Audiovisual equipment and materials may be checked out by teachers only.  Teachers may request equipment for student use.


11.       The use of library media center equipment and materials shall be pre-arranged with the librarian including any after school hour uses.


12.       Students and their parents/guardians shall be informed that it is a misdemeanor under Oklahoma law to re­move or attempt to remove any library media center material from the premises of a library media center facility without authority; or to mutilate, destroy, alter or otherwise damage, in whole or in part, any library media center materials, or to fail to return any library media center materials which have been lent to said person by the library media center facility, within seven days after demand has been made for the return of the library media center materials.







13.       The librarian or any person on the library media center staff will not disclose or permit the revealing of any records or materials which disclose which of its documents or other materials have been loaned to or is being used by any student or group ex­cept such information may be disclosed to (a) persons acting within the scope of their duties within the school district, (b) persons authorized to inspect such records, in writing, by the student or group, or (c) by order of court.





REFERENCE:    21 O.S. §1739

                                65 O.S. §1-105